WHEN PERFORMANCE MATTERS, EXPERIENCE COUNTS. Contact Us: Toll Free: 866.593.0032 Website: www.microseismic.com Offices: Houston: 713.781.2323 Denver: 303.296.5021 Calgary: 403.457.4249 Beijing: +86.10.6410.9288 Warsaw: +48.22.7222031 To fully exploit shale gas plays requires technology that can accurately monitor frac'ing and characterize reservoir structures for improved field development. Microseismic monitoring has proven to be that technology, and MicroSeismic, Inc. is the company that invented and perfected it. As the leader, we have more experience in passive monitoring of shale plays than any one else...over 365,000 acres of experience. Only MicroSeismic has successful monitoring experience in virtually every active shale play on the continent. Only MicroSeismic's arrays utilize PSETĀ®, our proprietary processing technology. And, only MicroSeismic's arrays feature a patented design that is customized for each project to ensure the highest quality results. When you need to be sure, go with experience, go with the leader.