American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 226

cess. New Mexico's oil and gas industry
believes these agreements are the most effective method to accomplish the dual goal
of access and habitat protection.
Against the backdrop of demonstrable
progress, the prospect looms for listing the
dunes sagebrush lizard under the federal
Endangered Species Act. The implications
of a listing for the industry are a matter of
hot debate both inside and outside the industry. Some in the environmental community assert that a listing would have minimal impact for operators. However, the
historical implementation of the ESA indicates otherwise.
A NMOGA study shows that 41 percent of oil wells drilled in New Mexico
from September 2010 to August 2011 were
in township/range locations that have
been identified as containing lizard habitat. With reasonable rules that allow for adjustments in locating drilling pads to protect dune complexes, this statistic could be
considered cause for optimism. However,
rules that provide for very large buffer
zones around dune complexes could complicate development.
No matter how the lizard listing process
plays out, fast on its heels will be the potential listing of the lesser prairie chicken.
Despite the fact that eastern New Mexico
appears to be only a transitory range for
the lesser prairie chicken, with other areas
of the great plains having sufficiently
large populations to allow for hunting, the
USFWS appears to be moving forward
with a possible listing.
A lesser prairie chicken listing poses a
large risk to the industry. This is because
the potential range of the chicken covers

an even larger portion of the Permian Basin
that overlaps areas of proven and potential oil production than does the dunes
sagebrush lizard's habitat.
My cause for hope in these species proceedings stems from the great work the industry continues to do under the CCA and
CCAA frameworks. The industry, in collaboration with the BLM and USFWS, has
shown itself to be a proactive force for protecting the dunes sagebrush lizard and lesser prairie chicken.
Outreach And Interaction
A final cause for optimism is New Mexico's increasing receptivity to discussing

and understanding the contributions oil and
gas make to the state's overall economy
and way of life.
NMOGA has made it a top priority to
better communicate the challenges and contributions of the oil and gas industry in areas far beyond the producing regions of the
San Juan and Permian basins. We have
been pleasantly surprised at the receptivity of political leaders, business leaders, educational leaders and private citizens when
we take the time to clearly and simply explain our industry. Expanding community engagement will be an area of continued
emphasis by both our member companies
and association staff.

Oklahoma Independent
Petroleum Association

Chairman and Principal
Sullivan & Co. LLC

from the chairman
For the past three years, the oil and natural gas industry has weathered a continuous attack from the Obama administration and the federal agencies under its direction.

You're Invited !
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the 2012 Oklahoma Oil & Gas Trade Expo!
You don't want to miss out on this amazing event!
Hosted by the Oklahoma Commission on
Marginally Producing Oil and Gas Wells

October 4, 2012
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Cox Pavilion
Oklahoma State

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for more information on how you
can be a part of Oklahoma's
largest oil & gas trade expo.

Things will not improve in 2012.
And for that reason, this industry must
join forces to push back against jobs-destroying tax increases, burdensome and unnecessary regulatory mandates and the villainous stroke painted on us by the president and his compatriots.
With presidential
elections looming, the
oil and natural gas industry will be at the
forefront of the national debate about this country's future.
Despite the fact that independent oil and
natural gas producers have unlocked a century's worth of natural gas and the continental United States' largest new oil field
in the Bakken Shale, our nation's highest
elected official derides the industry, is a frequent critic of "big oil," and continuously has called for eliminating longstanding
tax provisions for the oil and natural gas
industry in order to fund alternative energy research.
Through the Oklahoma Independent
Petroleum Association's federal lobbying
efforts and its partnership with the Domestic Energy Producers Alliance, the
voice of Oklahoma's independent producers is being heard in Washington. In order for this industry to continue to prosper, the voice of independent producers
from all states must be heard.
In Oklahoma and other energy-producing states, lawmakers and citizens understand our industry's importance. Those
of us who live close to the wellhead understand and depend on the impact this industry has on jobs and the overall economy. As oil and natural gas production
moves into states that traditionally have
seen little to no energy exploration, mis-


American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012

The American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012
Oil & Gas Counts
State Legislative
Industry Digest
Tech Connections
Washington Watch
Federal Legislation
Gulf of Mexico
Resource Plays Providing Wealth of Opportunities
Tight Plays Poised to Transform U.S. Crude Supply
El Paso Project Optimizes Eagle Ford Completion Design
Real-Time Forward Modeling Improves Bakken Horizontals
Cover Story
Financial Firms Expand Oil and Gas Divisions
Multicomponent 3-D Poised for Growth in Shale Plays
Cloud Computing Driving Business Step Changes
Advanced Attributes Improve 3-D Interpretation
3-D Data Improve Knowledge of Shale Heterogeneity
HBUR RSS Solves Granite Wash Drilling Challenges
Technologies Improve Production Consistency in Resource Plays
SaaS Helps Operator Streamline Data Management
Automation Enhances Operations in Challenging Applications
Dispersant Chemistry Combats Plugging in Low-Gravity Oil Wells
New Technologies Optimize Production
Drilling Regs
The Presidential Papers
Energy Education
Shale Gas
New Lits & Products
Computer Currents
Industry Focus
Classified Advertising
Advertisers Index
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - The American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 2
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 3
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 4
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Contents
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Reports
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 7
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 8
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 9
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Calendar
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 11
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 12
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 13
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Oil & Gas Counts
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 15
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Industry Digest
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 17
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 18
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 19
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 20
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 21
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 22
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 23
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 24
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Tech Connections
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 26
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Washington Watch
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Federal Legislation
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 29
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 30
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 31
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 32
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 33
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 34
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 35
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - EPA
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 37
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 38
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 39
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 40
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 41
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Gulf of Mexico
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 43
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 44
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 45
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 46
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 47
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Resource Plays Providing Wealth of Opportunities
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 49
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 50
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 51
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 52
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 53
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 54
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 55
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 56
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 57
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 58
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 59
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 60
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 61
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Tight Plays Poised to Transform U.S. Crude Supply
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 63
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 64
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 65
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 66
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 67
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 68
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 69
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 70
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 71
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 72
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 73
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 74
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 75
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 76
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - El Paso Project Optimizes Eagle Ford Completion Design
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 78
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 79
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 80
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 81
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 82
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 83
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 84
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 85
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 86
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Real-Time Forward Modeling Improves Bakken Horizontals
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 88
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 89
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 90
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 91
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 92
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 93
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Cover Story
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 95
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 96
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 97
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 98
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 99
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 100
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 101
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 102
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Financial Firms Expand Oil and Gas Divisions
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 104
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 105
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 106
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 107
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 108
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 109
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Multicomponent 3-D Poised for Growth in Shale Plays
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 111
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 112
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 113
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 114
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 115
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 116
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 117
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 118
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Cloud Computing Driving Business Step Changes
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 120
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 121
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 122
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 123
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 124
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 125
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Advanced Attributes Improve 3-D Interpretation
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 127
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 128
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 129
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 130
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 131
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 132
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 133
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 134
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 3-D Data Improve Knowledge of Shale Heterogeneity
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 136
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 137
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 138
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 139
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 140
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 141
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 142
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - HBUR RSS Solves Granite Wash Drilling Challenges
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 144
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 145
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 146
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 147
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 148
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 149
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 150
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Technologies Improve Production Consistency in Resource Plays
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 152
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 153
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 154
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 155
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 156
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 157
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 158
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 159
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 160
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - SaaS Helps Operator Streamline Data Management
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 162
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 163
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 164
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 165
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Automation Enhances Operations in Challenging Applications
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 167
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 168
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 169
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 170
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 171
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 172
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 173
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 174
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 175
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 176
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Dispersant Chemistry Combats Plugging in Low-Gravity Oil Wells
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 178
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 179
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 180
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 181
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - New Technologies Optimize Production
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 183
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 184
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 185
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 186
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 187
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 188
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 189
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 190
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 191
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 192
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 193
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - PIOGA
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 195
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 196
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 197
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Drilling Regs
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 199
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - IOGAWV
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 201
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 202
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 203
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 204
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 205
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 206
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 207
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - The Presidential Papers
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 209
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 210
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 211
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 212
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 213
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 214
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 215
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 216
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 217
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 218
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 219
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 220
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 221
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 222
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 223
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 224
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 225
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 226
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 227
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 228
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 229
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 230
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 231
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 232
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 233
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 234
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 235
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 236
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 237
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 238
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 239
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 240
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 241
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 242
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 243
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 244
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 245
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 246
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 247
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 248
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Energy Education
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Conventions
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 251
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Shale Gas
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 253
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 254
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 255
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 256
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 257
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 258
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 259
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - New Lits & Products
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 261
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Computer Currents
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 263
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Industry Focus
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 265
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 266
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 267
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 268
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 269
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 270
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 271
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 272
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Classified Advertising
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - Advertisers Index
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 275
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2012 - 276