American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 205
The Presidential Papers
to report their production to DEP on a
monthly basis rather than every six months,
and the other provides a formal method
for a landowner with an oil and gas lease
to obtain a release on lease termination or
cancellation. PIOGA highlighted inconsistencies and vague requirements in both
bills, but they were approved nonetheless.
In all, PIOGA tracked more than 200
pieces of legislation in the last session,
65 of which we considered high priority.
As our President and Executive Director
Lou D'Amico often notes, not long ago
it was common for PIOGA to monitor a
dozen or so bills during a two-year session,
and perhaps one or two of those would
be important.
Things certainly have changed in the
past several years since "Marcellus Shale"
became a household term. In 2014, PIOGA
created a Legislative Committee to help
review newly introduced bills, develop positions on pieces of legislation, and encourage
members to take a more active role in impacting the legislative process. We expect
this committee will keep busy in 2015.
In fact, I cannot say enough good
things about the work of PIOGA's committees in promoting our industry's interests. In addition to our Legislative Committee, our Environmental Committee is
busy with a host of state and federal regulatory matters; the Pipeline and Gas
Market Development Committee is focusing on new markets and hosts the Conventional Producers Round Table to help
that segment of our membership understand
how the markets are changing. Our Safety
Committee is sharing best practices and
other information about how we can work
safer, and our Tax Committee is sharing
details about how we can hang onto as
much of our money as possible. All these
efforts are worth far more than the cost of
membership-and that does not even account for the good work done by our staff
and board of directors!
As the saying goes, the only constant
is change. I am proud to be part of PIOGA
and its role in helping guide our industry
through these constantly changing times.
Coming In February
Special Report:
Unconventional Resources Science,
Part II
Petroleum Association
of Wyoming
Director of Corporate Development
Black Hills Corp.
It's no secret that the state of Wyoming
is experiencing a resurgence in oil production from formations that historically
have been produced through vertical
wells. Horizontal drilling in the DenverJulesburg and Powder River basins of
eastern Wyoming has produced some remarkable results.
As reported in the October 2014 American Oil & Gas Reporter, the state's 2013
oil production was 20 percent greater
than that of the prior year and 95 percent
of the drilling rigs in the state were
drilling for oil. This trend has been
building steadily since late 2009. Most
of these increases have been attributed to
horizontal drilling in the Niobrara, Codell
and other formations.
PAW believes this trend should continue
for the foreseeable future, assuming crude
oil prices remain strong. However, the
ongoing activity growth will come with
These challenges include a pending
decision from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Service to determine whether the greater
sage grouse will receive protection under
the Endangered Species Act. By September
2015, USFWS will determine if the
species will be classified as endangered,
threatened or not warranted for listing.
The September deadline is a product of
litigation filed by groups seeking ESA
protection for the sage grouse.
Other potential drags on the pace of
drilling and development may originate
from increased difficulties with federal
land access, obtaining federal permits to
drill, or anticipated rule changes by the
Wyoming Oil & Gas Conservation Commission, the Wyoming Department of
Environmental Quality and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Multiple
groups are pressuring state and federal
agencies to amend rules governing oil
and gas activities or to add new ones.
ESA Status
The status of the greater sage grouse
will dwarf all other issues, especially if
it receives a protective listing. Even
without a formal listing, the fact that the
federal government owns nearly 50 percent
of Wyoming lands and two-thirds of its
minerals means that restrictions from the
U.S. Bureau of Land Management already
limit the amount of surface disturbance
from oil and gas drilling in core sage
grouse areas, as well as the time frames
acceptable for surface activity.
A protective ESA listing will go far
beyond these measures and constitute a
major blow to the oil and gas industry, the
state, and all local stakeholders who have
taken numerous actions to protect the bird
while also seeking to safeguard Wyoming
jobs along with the state's royalty and tax
revenue. Aside from tightening restrictions,
a listing will exacerbate the heavy administrative workloads and time frames for
permitting extraction activities.
Those parties that have taken the initiative and undertaken significant efforts
to improve and maintain habitats should
be commended for helping show the federal government that a listing is not warranted. On behalf of its members, PAW
has been working diligently with the
Wyoming Game & Fish Department, oil
and gas trade organizations, other natural
resource user groups and others to review
data and studies associated with these
initiatives to ensure USFWS properly develops and appropriately considers such
information. PAW believes the data effectively demonstrate that local stakeholders and the state are more capable
than the federal government of managing
species protection effectively.
JANUARY 2015 205
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - Cover1
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - Cover2
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 3
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 4
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - Contents
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 6
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 7
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 8
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 9
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 10
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 11
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 12
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 13
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 14
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 15
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 16
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 17
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 18
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 19
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 20
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 21
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 22
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 23
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 24
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 25
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 26
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 27
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 28
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 29
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 30
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 31
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 32
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 33
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 34
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 35
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 36
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 37
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 38
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 39
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 40
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 41
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 42
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 43
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 44
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 45
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 46
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 47
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 48
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 49
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 50
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 51
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 52
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 53
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 54
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 55
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 56
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 57
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 58
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 59
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 60
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 61
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 62
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 63
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 64
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 65
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 66
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 67
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 68
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 69
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 70
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 71
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 72
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 73
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 74
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 75
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 76
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 77
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 78
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 79
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 80
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 81
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 82
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 83
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 84
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 85
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 86
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 87
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 88
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 89
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 90
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 91
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 92
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 93
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 94
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 95
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 96
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 97
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 98
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 99
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 100
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 101
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 102
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 103
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 104
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 105
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 106
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 107
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 108
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 109
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 110
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 111
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 112
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 113
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 114
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 115
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 116
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 117
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 118
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 119
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 120
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 121
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 122
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 123
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 124
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 125
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 126
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 127
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 128
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 129
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 130
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 131
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 132
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 133
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 134
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 135
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 136
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 137
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 138
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 139
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 140
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 141
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 142
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 143
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 144
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 145
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 146
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 147
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 148
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 149
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 150
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 151
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 152
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 153
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 154
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 155
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 156
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 157
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 158
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 159
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 160
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 161
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 162
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 163
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 164
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 165
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 166
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 167
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 168
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 169
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 170
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 171
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 172
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 173
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 174
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 175
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 176
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 177
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 178
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 179
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 180
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 181
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 182
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 183
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 184
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 185
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 186
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 187
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 188
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 189
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 190
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 191
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 192
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 193
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 194
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 195
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 196
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 197
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 198
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 199
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 200
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 201
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 202
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 203
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 204
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 205
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 206
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 207
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 208
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 209
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 210
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 211
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 212
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 213
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 214
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 215
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 216
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 217
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 218
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 219
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American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 221
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 222
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 223
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 224
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 225
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 226
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 227
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 228
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 229
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 230
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 231
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 232
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 233
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 234
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 235
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 236
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 237
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 238
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 239
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 240
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 241
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - 242
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - Cover3
American Oil and Gas Reporter - January 2015 - Cover4