On an eight well pad comparison ... 60 Casing Run Times (Hrs) 50 40 30 20 10 0 350 Without Casing XRV With Casing XRV Casing Run Speeds (ft/hr) 300 250 200 48% Decrease In Rig Time 94% Increase In Run Speed 150 100 50 0 Without Casing XRV With Casing XRV The average casing run time, utilizing the Casing XRV, was 19 hours; saving the operator an average of 18 hours, signifying a 48% decrease in rig time. This directly correlates to a 94% increase in run speed when utilizing a Casing XRV; proving the friction breaking technology of the Casing XRV is significantly reducing operators rig costs. www.ttsdrilling.com * info@ttsdrilling.com