Contents NOVEMBER 2016 Volume 59 No. 12 THE ISSUE Technological advances continue to open new possibilities from seismic imaging to reservoir characterization. The Oil & Gas Computing reports are a case in point, opening with a look at how fiber optics-based acoustic and temperature sensing provide the fine-scale insights to assess horizontal well completion effectiveness. The MWD/LWD Technology reports then explore how real-time, atbit measurements bring new precision to geosteering in even the most complex geologic settings. Meanwhile, the Drilling Fluids Update reveals the latest in fluids engineering and chemistry from the R&D laboratory to the field, and the Marcellus/Utica Activity reports detail the newest projects in both world-class resource plays. Association news includes coverage of NMOGA and NDPC annual meetings. Issue photography courtesy of Halliburton, Newpark Drilling Fluids, and Ascent Resources. NOVEMBER 2016 The Business" Publication Serving T h e ""Better Better B usiness" P u bl i c a t i o n S e r v i n g the t h e Exploration E x p l o r a t i o n / Drilling D r i l l i n g / Production P r o d u c t i o n Industry Industr y NEWS 14 | Endangered Species: USFWS revises ESA petition process; Agency proposes listing rusty patched bumblebee 28 | State Legislative: Pennsylvania industry maintains status quo 28 | Dormant Minerals: Ohio court ruling prompts mixed reactions 30 | Liaison Committee: Associations discuss push back on methane regulations 34 | Public Lands: BLM finalizes three onshore orders 100 | Appalachia: Shale Insight Conference considers industry outlook 101 | IOGCC: Governors pledge commitment to energy diversity 102 | Dakota Access: Protests cloud outlook for pipeline 105 | Chapter 78a: Associations continue fight against PaDEP rules CONVENTION COVERAGE 90 | NMOGA: Regulators work best when working with industry 95 | NDPC: Bakken wells getting better all the time COLUMNS 25 | Tech Connections 27 | Washington Watch DEPARTMENTS 9 12 14 106 108 112 114 | | | | | | | Calendar Oil & Gas Counts Industry Digest Computer Currents Industry Focus Classified Advertising Advertisers Index