Area Map TO LAMESA STATE HWY. 349 0 P 25 LOO 9 8 91 GH E AT ST HI HIGH FAUDREE RD. IEW GRA ST OOD GLEW TAN WAY PARK JBS NDV EWS 42nd NT O FR 6 D DS R N ROU G FAIR HWY ESA LAM . ST STAT TO S E HWY 158 AN ANG ELO 20 R TE DIXIE LE MAP 4 B 7 NT ST A GR 8th A LOOP 338 3 TO CRANE ODESSA 1. The Ellen Noël Art Museum of the Permian Basin 4909 E. University 368-7222 2. Ector County Coliseum & Exhibition Halls 42nd & Andrews Highway 366-3541 3. Globe Theatre & Anne Hathaway Cottage 2308 Shakespeare (on Odessa College campus) 332-1586 4. Odessa Chamber of Commerce 700 N. Grant 332-9111 196 THE AMERICAN OIL & GAS REPORTER 0 S2 ES IN US B E AT ST 20 R TE IN 16 8 T dS 2n O 20 /IAS 80 LP Y. /E S W H AN S. AH U. ON M TO 2 1 IN 5 2 ST 3 5 AIRPORT WAY 16th C SIN BU N YUKO R AND D UNIV Y ERSIT UNT OA Y R STA TE H WY. 302 W CO P 338 LOO 936 MIT FM 1 TO KER EY L WAD 2 OP LO S ES TO RANKIN STATE HWY. 349 CAF MIDLAND Air Terminal INTERNATIONAL 7 F W AY 1 88 M 17 TO ANDREWS U.S. HWY. 385 AND LOO P 250 DR MIDK D TO RE AN WS DR HW EW Y S S ODESSA IFF AN BIG SPRING MIDLAND E MIDL W 0 4 FIELD GAR N 5. Permian Playhouse 310 W. 42nd (beside Coliseum) 362-2329 6. Presidential Archive and Leadership Library 4919 E. University 363-7737 7. White-Pool House 112 E. Murphy 333-4072 8. Parker House Ranching Museum 1118 Maple Ave. 335-9118 MIDLAND 1. Marian Blakemore Planetarium Indiana & K Streets (For schedule call 683-2882) 2. Nita Stewart Haley Memorial Library 1805 W. Indiana 682-5785 3. Midland Chamber of Commerce 109 N. Main St. 683-3381 4. Midland Community Theatre 2000 W. Wadley 682-4111 5. Museum of the Southwest 1705 W. Missouri 683-2882 6. Permian Basin Petroleum Museum & Chaparral Gallery 1500 I-20 West 683-4403 7. Commemorative Air Force Air Terminal 563-1000 8. Center for Energy and Economic Diversification 552-2450 9. Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center 552-4430 MEDICAL FACILITIES A. Medical Center Hospital 500 W. Fourth St., Odessa 333-7111 B. Odessa Regional Medical Center 520 E. Sixth St., Odessa 334-8200 C. Memorial Hospital & Medical Center 2200 W. Illinois Ave., Midland 685-1111