FWSA 12th A Turks 3RD Largest Bar Septe Diver Land Package = $2211.00 S Non-Diver Land Package = $1945 Single Supplement Standard Roo Lodging Upgrades Available co (Air transportation not included i Price Includes: Annual Scuba Dive Trip s & Caicos Islands rrierer ReefS ysystem nin the Woorld! W ember 16 - 23, 2023 Standard Room - Double Occupancy 5.00 Standard Room - Double Occupancy om Add = $527.00 ntact Randy Lew for details n above pricing) 7 nighttss at East Bay Resort in South Caiicos Dbl. Occupancy with all mealsls daily Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages Non-motorized water sports and activit Resor ft fe ees, taxes & fastaf PADI CDC Center Complimentary Wi-Fi Resort Amenities Welcome Party and Farewell Dinner Create New Memories Old and New! with Friends, En En njoyjo thjo thebeauti wildlwi fil iedlfe y tfu lfu if i f Ejo En n yjo njoyaBe utifulRes rtesor t a f ti u e ies fffgratuities. Div y o ve gratuities NOT included. 6 day oys fs of2 tank boat dives, 5 days f af s of aft fternoon boat dives & complimentary use of o fdive co omputer wil d f Contact: Rand FWSA 829 SE Battle Cell: 5 E-mail Yo Member y Lew Dive Trip Leader 11th Place Ground, WA 98604 530/304-0802 : WF SA13Randy@telis.net You must be a Member ofa FarWestSkii Assn. aff rof r We t Sk fiilil fliiated d club o a WSA ir r FWSA S DirectMember! re t Mem r! Dive and n life enjjoy the e including turt r tles Debbie Stewa 430 S. Church S Visalia, CA 932 Cell: 559/737-08 FWSAIntlTrvl@ rt St. 77 882 CST # 2036 2036983 40-40 prodigy.net