Tempra™ and Epic™ Molar Bands MOLAR BANDS TEMPRA™ MOLAR BANDS * Superior Tooth Morphology * Full Tempered * Memory and Elasticity Maintained After Prefit and Removal * Proportional Graduated Half-Sizing, Numbered 29½ - 44 * Increased Occlusal Edge Strength to Prevent Deformation * Stiffer Material to Withstand Additional Pressure of Extra and Intraoral Appliances * Available with Micro-Etched Interiors for Maximum Retention EPIC™ CONTOUR MOLAR BANDS * Superior Tooth Design Adapts to Anatomical Contours * 33 Proportional Graduated Full Sizes in Both Uppers and Lowers - Numbered 3-36 * Regular Temper * Malleability with Excellent Adaptation * Easy to Recontour * Accurate Right and Left Occlusal/Gingival Tooth Anatomy * Available with Micro-Etched Interiors for Maximum Retention ORTHODONTIC SPECIALTY PRODUCTS BANDS BAND KITS AND LOOSE BANDS All Bands can be ordered as Loose Bands or Prewelded Assemblies. Also, Band Kits may be ordered either for the upper or lower molars, or the 1st or 2nd molars. Band Coding: Legibly marked on mesial side: "U" indicates Upper; "L" indicates Lower; "S" indicates 2nd Molar; "R" indicates Right; "L" indicates Left. The products on this page must be ordered directly from Henry Schein Orthodontics at 800.547.2000 or www.henryscheinortho.com. Call To Order: 800.547.2000 www.henryscheinortho.com 31