FINISHING & POLISHING ContacEZ Interproximal Reduction(IPR) System Assorted Box of 32: (535-0017) $199.99 IPR Starter (535-0046) $58.99 Opener (535-0052) $65.99 Widener (535-0053) $65.99 Extra-Widener (535-0054) $65.99 Optional IPR System Optional Strips Assorted Box of 32: (535-0016) $199.99 S.S. Opener S.S. Widener (535-0047) $58.99 (535-0048) $58.99 Super-Widener (535-0055) $65.99 Mega-Widener (535-0056) $65.99 Reliable FLEXIBILITY & STRENGTH ContacEZ is the #1 choice for accurate and safe manual reproximation for clear aligner therapy. Our patented Arc Technology preserves the natural curvature of proximal surfaces and prevents sharp corners. See page 85-86 for complete ordering information. Try our Incremental Thickness Gauges (535-0005) $42.99 Made in USA 84 * Patented * 100% Satisfaction Guarantee *