DBIA IQ Summer 2012 - (Page 13)

MIKE DuffEy, pE, IS a prIncIpaL anD DIrEctor of fEDEraL proGraMS WIth SSoE Group (WWW.SSoE.coM), an IntErnatIonaL EnGInEErInG, procurEMEnt anD conStructIon ManaGEMEnt fIrM. hE IS a cIvIL EnGInEEr WIth 30 yEarS of EXpErIEncE, SpEcIaLIzInG In MuLtIpLE projEct DELIvEry MEthoDS. a rEtIrED LIEutEnant coLonEL anD coMManDEr In thE ohIo aIr natIonaL GuarD, DuffEy forMErLy SErvED aS a BaSE cIvIL EnGInEEr for MILcon projEctS. hE can BE contactED vIa EMaIL at MIKE.DuffEy@SSoE.coM. Analyze total ownership cost with BIM technology Harnessing the degree of quality among a variety of choices affects many of the considerations associated with total ownership cost (TOC)—the consolidated expense of designing, constructing, commissioning and operating a structure over its lifetime. And determining where to cut costs in a project can conflict with TOC objectives. Collaboration among the members of the design-build team can help analyze all of the components of the cost equation, including procurement, materials, installation and construction; operation with ongoing energy use; and life cycles of systems and their maintenance and replacement. The specifications that result will steer a project toward more cost-effective solutions without dbia.org compromising TOC directives severely. To achieve this quickly, design-build teams may use building information modeling (BIM), a 3D, intelligent modeling software that produces lifelike imagery of all building components, spatial relationships, systems and material quantities. With BIM, design-build teams can analyze a number of options, as well as identify the pros and cons of any particular preference; reduce spatial conflicts between building systems; deal with value-engineering problems; provide accurate estimations of take-off information; and use the platform for more detailed energy and system analysis. / FEDERAL REPORT summer//2012 13 Be prepAreD wIth coNtINgeNcy pLANs Whenever Congress operates under a continuing resolution to fund the federal government, it constrains agencies to operate at or below previous program disbursement levels and usually halts the release of funds for new designs and construction starts. When the funds for these projects are eventually released, it instantly compromises each project’s scheduling. When faced with procurement glitches, contingency plans that include information on additional resources, scheduling options and/or alternative delivery methods are invaluable to execution agents looking to drive down costs and compress schedules. Faster construction helps overcome the scheduling problems that funding delays can create. Prefabricated modules—precast concrete, pre-engineered steel support structures or premanufactured wall assemblies—are one approach. A design-build team can help institute modular solutions because all members of the team are on the field at the same time, under one contract, and can collaborate in real time to provide bestvalue solutions. The team should evaluate modular options during the design phase of the project, with input from each team member. Prefabricated modules not only help speed construction, but bypass the costs associated with onsite installation. Modular components are usually assembled in a controlled manufacturing environment, avoiding adverse weather conditions and preventing congestion on the construction site. And by producing less construction disturbance at the site, they help minimize airborne pollutants, allowing more delicate construction tasks to be performed unabated. When a MILCON execution agent partners with the right design-build team, the result is a shorter journey to the best value. The more journeys they take together, the better their synergy. When team partners can check progress, consider alternatives, speed the work, solve problems and cut costs with a single phone call, they can exceed expectations. The partnership helps meet project objectives every time, with a better chance of staying within budget and better flexibility to beat deadlines. http://WWW.SSOE.COM

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of DBIA IQ Summer 2012

DBIA IQ Summer 2012

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