THE GUIDE I WHERE TO STAY Luxury and Legacy: CHECKING OUT IS THE HARDEST THING TO DO AT THESE TWO PREMIER YOUNTVILLE HOTELS. A Mindful Approach to Elevated Living As one of Napa Valley's notorious hotel gems, LEED Platinum Certified Bardessono provides a luxurious experience for guests within a sustainable environment. Deep green with luxury and a subtle aesthetic, the hotel offers ultimate indulgence through Lucy restaurant's farm-to-fork fare, in-room spa treatments, electric Lexus vehicles, curated art collection, and rooftop pool access. Now offering a grand respite with enhanced amenities, The Maple Grove Villas extend embellished Napa Valley experiences for an effortless, immersive cultural experience. Premier luxury at every turn. Bbardessonohotelspa | 66 Vbardessonoyountville | Abardessonohotel VISITNAPAVALLEY.COM | 2020 http://www.VISITNAPAVALLEY.COM