Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 6
Cover Story
Nikkia Reveillac
Associate Director, Consumer & Market Insights
Nancy Rogers
Director, Strategic Analytics and Shopper Insights
Chad Krause
Director of Advanced Analytics
Krause is leading the team's transformation of
marketing and innovation measurement. He
helps guide the organization through new types
of real-time measurement solutions for media
planning, as well as new processes and analytics
around sizing innovation opportunities.
Brandon Barr
Director of Retail Marketing and Insights
Barr leads a team that seeks to understand the
shopper journey and in-store experience by leveraging key research insights to develop marketing and merchandising programs for more than
300 grocery retailers.
Heather Jobes
IT Director, Business Intelligence
Ozlem Robiliard
Executive Director, Global Consumer Insights
Ali Kefeli
Head of Data and Decision Sciences
Mark Ramsey
Senior Vice President, Chief Data Officer
Mary Beth Barrett
Director, North America Shopper Science Lab
The year-old Shopper Science Lab is a state-of-the
art research facility designed to help GSK more
deeply understand shopper decision-making.
"We're invested in delivering meaningful, insightbased solutions to our shoppers, consumers and
retailers," Barrett told Shopper Marketing last fall.
Rick Davis
Vice President and Global Lead, Office
of Data Acquisition and Governance
Kellogg Co.
A 27-year Kellogg veteran, Davis has been helping the company build
and manage its data and analytics capabilities for a number of years.
About 10 years ago, he created a data integrity team to focus on
higher quality customer and product data to support the commercial
sales group. In 2016, he accepted his current role to help Kellogg
establish a centralized, global data office.
"Without question, the exponential growth in data, and the rapid
advancements in technology such as machine learning and artificial
intelligence, are the most significant challenges we're currently facing," says Davis. "It makes things very difficult for mature organizations, because the models for investment and adapting are outdated
and do not work."
"Data management will be different
because we'll need to accept it as a
fundamental capability."
His work at Kellogg has given Davis opportunities to leverage his
expertise beyond the corporate environment. "I am very proud of the
work that we've done with our local math and science center to offer
internships to high school students in analytics and data science and
enlighten students to the opportunities in analytics," he explains.
"I was also very honored recently to be invited to the White
House to attend and take part in the very first 'Roundtable on Open
Data for Economic Growth,'" he says. Davis was one of only a few
industry leaders who were handpicked to participate in the event,
which examined ways in which government-supplied open data can
be leveraged to support the business community.
In the future, "I think data management will be different because
we'll need to accept it as a fundamental capability and quit talking
about whether or not it needs to be done," says Davis. "It has to be
done - everything else we do is built on it."
"The pace of change and the breakthroughs that will occur over
the next five years will be unfathomable. Many companies have already waited too long and will not be able to catch up," he predicts.
"There will be a lot of new, fresh faces, and I think that's a good
thing. We're too constrained with current bias in most corporate
circles." CGT
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - Intro
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - Cover1
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - Contents
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 3
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 4
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 5
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 6
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 7
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 8
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 9
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 10
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 11
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 12
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 13
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 14
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 15
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 16
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 17
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 18
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 19
Consumer Goods Technology - August 2017 - 20