INSTRUMENTS-SURGICAL EXTRACTING FORCEPS NORDENT EXTRACTION FORCEPS DIRECTA DENTAL PHYSICS® FORCEPS Unique atraumatic extraction system that provides a simple and predictable method of extracting teeth. Forceps operate as an elevator, rather than forceps. One handle is connected to a " bumper, " which acts as the fulcrum and is placed deep in the vestibule. The other handle is connected to the " beak " , which is positioned most often on the lingual or palatal root of the tooth into the gingival sulcus. No squeezing necessary. 23 Lower Molars (586-6496) Ea. 150 Upper Universal (586-7153) Ea. 23S Pedo Lower Cowhorn (586-8707) Ea. 150S Pedo Upper Universal (586-5394) Ea. GMX 100-200 Standard Series Kit (201-0911) Ea. Contains: GMX-100R (Upper Right), GMX-100L (Upper Left), GMX-100A (Upper Anterior), GMX-200 (Lower Universal) & 24 bumper guards. GMX 400 Molar Series Kit (201-0918) Ea. Contains: GMX-400 (EZ1 Instrument), GMX-400 (EZ2 Instrument) & 12 bumper guards. 46L Lower Root Fragment (586-2196) Ea. 150AS Upper Universal Anatomical Beaks STANDARD SERIES Ea. Contains: 24 bumper guards. (586-4664) Ea. GMX 100 - Upper Anterior (201-0913) GMX 100 - Upper Right (201-0916) 74 Lower Root English (586-6916) Ea. 151 Lower Universal (586-6041) Ea. GMX 100 - Upper Left (201-0915) GMX 200 - Lower Universal (201-0917) 74N Lower Root English Narrow (586-7382) Ea. 151S Pedo Lower Universal (586-7999) Ea. 97 Upper Root Fragment (586-1237) Ea. 151AS Lower Universal Anatomical Beaks (586-7055) Ea. For pricing information and/or to place an order, visit: Section 22-73