Tower_Winter_17 - 7

The Greiner Center will be a 60,000-square-foot facility comprising two buildings on the site of
the former National Guard Armory on Chesapeake Street, a short distance from the College's
historic 32-acre main campus at the eastern edge of Lancaster City. The Greiner Center is
being built by the Pennsylvania Department of General Services at a cost of approximately $20
million. The College raised an additional $2.4 million through a capital campaign, including a
$1 million lead grant from Greiner Industries.
Benefactors Frank and Sharon Greiner also spoke.
The dignitaries posed for a photo on the future site of the north building, which will house
the metals fabrication and welding shop, as well as classrooms and locker space. Joining the
dignitaries were second-, third- and fourth-grade students from Washington Elementary School.
"The facility is designed with young people in mind," Griscom said. "The facility is enclosed
in glass, so the elementary and middle school students who walk by every day can see what
high-tech, high-paying technical jobs look like."

The Tower * 2017 Fall 7


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Tower_Winter_17

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