Footnotes - Spring 2023 - 32

Thank You: A Message from the
Outgoing President of APMSA
By: Nhan Tran, AzCPM Class of 2023
Back in 2019, I stood up in front of my classmates at the
Arizona College of Podiatric Medicine to run as their
representative at the APMSA Annual House of Delegates.
I was elected as the Class of 2023 APMSA Delegate,
and without their support, I would not have been able to
represent and serve my class and the students of podiatry
at multiple national leadership conferences. Therefore, I
sincerely appreciate my classmates from AzCPM for this
incredible opportunity.
Throughout my term serving as AzCPM's Delegate and
term as President of APMSA, I've learned that being a
leader means so much more than just leading those who
share my passions and interests. A leader is a person who
is willing to support, provide encouragement, and always
show appreciation toward those who sacrifice their time and
energy for the good of everyone. During my Presidential
term, there were several occasions where I felt overwhelmed
by all the choices I had to make. But I was glad to have the
wonderful individuals of the APMSA Leadership team who
provided me with their counsel on what they thought was
best for the association and the student body. In the end, I
sincerely believe that I, along with the delegates from the
Class of 2023, am leaving the association in a better place
than when we first arrived.
Thank you to the entire student body for entrusting me with
the opportunity to serve and lead our student's association!
Thank you to all the delegates for helping me build our
association and promote the students' interests from all 10
schools Thank you to the Class of 2023 delegates for all the
work you did and for always supporting me throughout my
term as APMSA President. Most importantly, thank you to
Ms. Marit Sivertson and Ms. Maddie Baker for helping me
and all the delegates make our student association better
each day.

Footnotes - Spring 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Footnotes - Spring 2023

Footnotes - Spring 2023 - 1
Footnotes - Spring 2023 - 2
Footnotes - Spring 2023 - 3
Footnotes - Spring 2023 - 4
Footnotes - Spring 2023 - 5
Footnotes - Spring 2023 - 6
Footnotes - Spring 2023 - 7
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Footnotes - Spring 2023 - 9
Footnotes - Spring 2023 - 10
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