Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 11

New Developments in the Treatment
of PTSD and Co-Occurring Disorders:
Ways to Bolster Resilience Across
the Lifespan
donald meichenbaum, phd
This workshop will discuss the neurobiological and psycho-social factors that distinguish
these two groups and consider the treatment implications. Following a discussion of the
controversies and empirical status of various psychotherapeutic interventions, a Case
Conceptualization Model that informs both assessment and treatment decision-making
will be offered.
A Constructive Narrative "strengths-based" treatment approach will be presented
using Video Case presentations of the latest developments addressing ways to treat
individuals with Complex PTSD, Prolong and Complicated Grief, Guilt, Shame, Moral
Injuries, as well as a variety of integrated treatment procedures for PTSD and Anger,
Substance Abuse Disorders, and Borderline Personality Disorders.
How to bolster resilience in six domains (including physical, interpersonal, emotional,
cognitive, behavioral, and spiritual) across the lifespan from "high-risk" children and
their families to victimized adolescents and the elderly, will be discussed. How attendees
can learn to spot HYPE in the field of psychotherapy will be presented. A "to do" list for
attendees on ways they can immediately apply the Core Tasks of psychotherapy will be

Fundamentals of Hypnosis
michael yapko, phd
This one-day preconference introductory-level workshop will provide a solid conceptual
and practical framework for understanding the dynamic and fascinating field of
hypnosis. The emphasis will be on starting to develop some of the core skills for
designing and delivering hypnotically based interventions in ways that are consistent
with your chosen style of practice. Thus, this workshop will include "hands-on"
experiences as well as the opportunity to observe and deconstruct a recorded clinical
hypnosis demonstration session.
People learn best through experience, and hypnosis is a vehicle of focused, experiential
learning. Research on the effectiveness of hypnosis highlights the fact that hypnosis
enhances treatment outcomes. It is a domain of professional practice that encompasses
effective and empowering approaches to psychotherapy (such as skill building, resource
accessing, and reframing) and behavioral medicine (such as pain management and
promoting health and healing). What a privilege to work with people in this way!

Clinical Approaches of Psychotherapy Masters
jeffrey k. zeig, phd
Participants in this preconference workshop will view clips of historical videos from
the Erickson Foundation Archives of master therapists treating clients. Jeffrey Zeig
will discuss their methods and indicate applications for improving clinical practice in
the 21st Century. Experts to be discussed include Carl Rogers, Salvador Minuchin,
Otto Kernberg, Albert Ellis, Erving Polster, Carl Whitaker, James Masterson, Al Lowen,
Virginia Satir, Robert and Mary Goulding, Aaron Beck, CloƩ Madanes, and Jeffrey Zeig.

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Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure

Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 1
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