Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 7

Therapeutic Oppression or Liberation?
The Case for Multicultural Counseling
and Therapy (MCT)
derald w. sue, phd

Traditional Western European therapy operates from hidden assumptions: (a)
disorders reside in individuals, (b) disorders are departures from conventional
(statistical) norms, (c) psychological principles derived from the dominant group
are universally applicable, and (d) therapy consists of a series of strategies and
techniques detached from the cultural context. When imposed upon clients of
color, however, they potentially produce therapeutic harm. Rather than free and
liberate, they may oppress and silence culturally diverse clients. MCT scholars
and practitioners operate from different assumptions: (a) mental disorders are
often sociopolitical constructions, (b) all treatments and behaviors cannot be
isolated from their cultural contexts, (c) the individual is not necessarily the
psychosocial unit of operation, and (d) cultural universality must be balanced
with cultural specificity. When seen from this perspective, MCT represents true
"healing" and liberation.

An Interview with Irv Yalom -
A Matter of Death and Life
irving yalom, md

An existentially informed approach can advance clinical outcomes regardless of
the preferred method. In dialogue with Jeffrey Zeig, PhD, Dr. Yalom will discuss
elements of his existential approach and his research on group therapy. The
program will include Dr. Yalom's latest thinking on living life to its fullest in the
face of death.

My Journey from Evil to Heroism
philip zimbardo, phd

This lecture traces his journey from childhood through the Stanford Prison
Experiment on the theme of the banality of evil, then switches to focus on
the banality of heroism in his new life's mission of training people around the
world be wise and effective heroes who stand up, speak out and take action in
challenging situations in their lives, as part of the Heroic Imagination Project.

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Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure

Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 1
Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 2
Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 3
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Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 5
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Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 7
Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 8
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