Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 9
Meet the Masters
of Psychotherapy
Our faculty shares cutting-edge methods, techniques,
and the latest information in a give-and-take environment.
Daniel Amen md
Otto Kernberg md, fapa
Patricia Arredondo edd
Jack Kornfield phd
Ellyn Bader phd
Harriet Lerner phd
Aaron T. Beck md
Peter A. Levine phd
Judith S. Beck phd
Elizabeth Loftus phd
Claudia Black phd
Cloé Madanes hdl, lic
Jean Bolen md
Gabor Maté md
David Burns md
Donald Meichenbaum phd
Noam Chomsky phd
Scott Miller phd
Eli Coleman phd
William Miller phd
Robert Dilts
Bill O'Hanlon ms
Steve Frankel phd, jd
Christine Padesky phd
Eliana Gil phd, rpt-s, atr, lmft
Esther Perel ma, lmft
Carol Gilligan phd
Erving Polster phd
Stephen Gilligan phd
Stephen W. Porges phd
John Gottman phd,
and Julie Gottman phd
Martin Seligman phd
Steven C. Hayes phd
Derald Sue phd
Harville Hendrix phd,
and Helen LaKelly Hunt phd
Jean Houston phd
Rakesh Jain md, mph, and
Saundra Jain ma, psyd, lpc
Daniel Siegel md
Bessel A. Van Der Kolk md
Michele Weiner-Davis lcsw
Irving Yalom md
Michael D. Yapko phd
Sue Johnson Douglas edd
Jeffrey Zeig phd
Rob Kapilow
Philip Zimbardo phd
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Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure
Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 1
Evolution of Psychotherapy 2020 Brochure - 2
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