Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 20
APTA AdWheel Awards Honor Members'
Communications, Marketing Achievements
Annual Meeting Ceremony Will Celebrate Grand Award Winners
re you looking to tackle a major
organizational challenge? The
2017 AdWheel Grand Award
winners all used excellent marketing and
communications to address important
strategic issues, and you can learn their
secrets to ridership, funding, and educational success.
APTA will recognize the latest accomplishments in public transit marketing
and communications at the AdWheel
Grand Awards ceremony, Monday,
October 9, during the Annual Meeting
Prior to this event, more than
100 judges reviewed approximately
350 entries, named 59 First-Place winners and then 11 Grand Award winners
who represent the very best entries
in three peer-based categories. Grand
Award winners follow:
Increase Ridership or Sales
LAKETRAN, suburban Lake County,
OH, developed the Adventures in Commuting Park-n-Ride campaign, delivering leads to the agency's new website
that offered passengers a free ride. The
marketing efforts stabilized 18 months
of declining ridership and recently
began contributing to a ridership
increase. The campaign also informed
riders of the new Bus on Shoulder program that reduced complaints from car
drivers regarding buses passing them
Support Transit Needs/Funding
on the shoulder. Laketran also used the
outreach as an opportunity to offer a
free ride.
TransLink, Vancouver, BC, created
the Evergreen Means GO Campaign,
depicting the many benefits of rapid
transit. The headline-driven campaign
enables TransLink to communicate its
service expansion with specific communities and the entire Vancouver region
with the message that the Evergreen
Extension is a celebration of moving
Regional Transportation District,
Denver, designed the "Train to the
Plane" campaign to increase awareness,
educate the public about commuter rail,
promote grand opening events and generate excitement to encourage ridership.
The campaign resulted in more than
255 million multimedia impressions
over a three-month period and drew
100,000 people to RTD's opening events.
The agency also generated international
news coverage and the phrase "Train to
the Plane" dominated media markets. In
addition, RTD has experienced a 30 percent increase over ridership projections
since opening.
ALSTOM Transportation Inc.
introduced a video titled "Bringing High
Speed to the US," to create awareness for
the new Avelia Liberty trains that will
run on Amtrak's Northeast Corridor and
to stimulate renewed interest in showcasing passenger rail transportation as a
solution for alleviating congestion, promoting economic growth and creating
jobs. This video was part of a combined
communications strategy that included
press release, case study, product brochures, websites and social media.
Since its launch, the video has been
viewed more than 3.6 million times on
Moving people is what we do.
We are proven experts at public transportation.
Leveraging the Group's expertise, RATP Dev operates and maintains expanding
urban and intercity transport networks in the United States and around the world.
We bring decades of worldwide experience to local communities.
20 | Passenger Transport
Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation
Authority, Flagstaff, AZ, created the
"NAIPTA Proposition 411: Mountain
Line Sales Tax Continuation" campaign
to keep Mountain Line top of mind
and inform voters that the tax renewal
measure was on the ballot. Although
public support for the renewal was high,
NAIPTA did not want Prop 411 to fall
victim to voter fatigue on a crowded
ballot, so it focused its messaging to
highlight Prop 411 as a continuation
of an existing tax, not a tax increase.
The campaign also reminded voters
that NAIPTA delivered on promises it
made during the 2008 public transit tax
election. Once the votes were tallied,
Proposition 411 passed with a 71 percent approval rating.
Hillsborough Area Regional
Transit Authority (HART), Tampa,
FL, developed a partnership-based
"Beyond the Bus" video, a concise,
dynamic film to present the agency as
forward-thinking and progressive to
state and federal decision makers. The
video, filmed using drones, highlights
HART's innovative accomplishments
using low per-capita spending. The
agency has also presented the video
By your side
every day,
however you
want to travel
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 1
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 2
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 3
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 4
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 5
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 6
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 7
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 8
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 9
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 10
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 11
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 12
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 13
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 14
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 15
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 16
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 17
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 18
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 19
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 20
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 21
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 22
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 23
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 24
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 25
Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 26
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Passenger Transport August 2017 Vol 75 No 15 - 32