REFINE YOUR BUSINESS CVA has handled the marketing needs of Permian Basin oil and gas companies for over 50 years. Some of our clients in the oil and gas industry include Alon Brands, Alon USA, Bearing Supply, City Pipe & Supply, D&H Rig Service, Milford Pipe & Supply, Odessa Development Corporation, Odessa Pumps, Petroleum Museum and Rush Overland Manufacturing. We'll make sure you have everything you need to compete. Get noticed. SAY IT IN RED with CVA Advertising. Give us a call today. AGENCY SERVICES Strategic Marketing Plans Logo Design Sales Videos Market Research Print Production Training Videos Trade Show Specialties Radio and Music Production Corporate Identity Packages Copywriting Television Production Package Design Media Planning & Placement Billboard Production Newsletters Digital Advertising Direct Mail Pieces Annual Reports Creative Concept Development Social Media Point-of-Sale Public Relations Posters Website Design Event Marketing Brochures Website Development Promotion Management Trade Show Displays A D V E R T I S I N G & M A R K E T I N G L T D. 5 0 3 0 East Un iv er sity * Sui t e B - 401 * O des s a , Tex a s 7 9 7 6 2 * 4 3 2 3 6 8 5 4 8 3 * F a x 4 3 2 3 6 6 9 4 3 4 * www. m