AUGUST 2016 Well Fracturing & Water Management Page 54 Nicholas K. Powell Chairman KIOGA "KIOGA needs to do everything it can to stop this methane emissions rule, and force EPA to look at the cost/benefit." Page 75 Jim Cornish President EKOGA "People are getting antsy and want to get out and do things. They are tired of sitting back." Page 86 Randy Harris Chairman PAW "If Wyoming can continue to show it is taking care of business, that will minimize federal overreach." Page 90 Allen Gilmer Chairman TIPRO "We all understand what sunset review should look like going forward. We have to get it done this session." Page 97 Jay Ottoson Chairman WEA "I am confident the Alliance will continue to hold a pivotal role in federal lands access and energy issues in the West." Page 102 Eric Dillé Chairman NDPC "With the investment our industry has made in infrastructure, we are far ahead of our gas capture goals." Page 106