fitness By Maureen Evanoff Photography by Mike Graffigna Fiancé? Check. Reception Site? Check. The Perfect Dress? Check. Great shoulders and arms for that perfect dress? Not quite a check? You’ve got the checklist to remember all the essentials for your wedding day, but it’s also important to remember yourself and get yourself in shape – or even better shape – for your perfect day, and for the rest of your life. THE STRAPLESS DRESS WORKOUT ➟ THE STRAPLESS DRESS WORKOUT Recommended Equipment: five pound medicine ball, resistance tube, five pound hand weights and a half dome stability ball. Recommended reps: three sets of 15 reps, always take a day of rest in between to let your muscles recover. SH AP EL Y ➟ AR M S Premiere 2007 Sierrastyle Weddings 49