2. Seated Tube Row While sitting on the floor, wrap a resistance tube around the bottom of your feet so it comes to the outside of your legs. Grasp the handles of the resistance tube so that the tube is taute. Elbows should be slightly bent and palms of hands facing the floor. Put yourself into good posture with torso erect and shoulders down and back. Pull hands slowly toward the middle of your chest, pause for one second, and slowly return to starting position. 2 1 4. Half Dome Stability Ball Pushup With the dome side down, place your hands on the sides, keeping arms fully extended and fingertips facing down. Align chest and shoulders over center of dome, tucking toes under and straightening legs so your body is in an extended plank position. Slowly lower chest toward center of the dome, allowing elbows to open to the sides and maintaining aligned position from ankles to ears. Pause at the bottom for one second and return to starting position. With a little dedicated training of two to three times per week, you can have incredible shoulders and arms. I encourage you to try these exercises and eat five to six small healthy meals daily with eight ounces of water at every meal – you’ll get the results you’re looking for. O O ➟➟ SHAPELY ARMS 2 1 Premiere 2007 Sierrastyle Weddings 51