For more information, visit SRT Upright row with straight-arm raise SRT Upright row with straight-arm raise With hands on foam grips and an overhand grip, bring the SRT Barbell upwards (close to body) to chest height while squeezing in (slightly). Lower slowly, release the squeeze and then raise the SRT Barbell with straight arms to shoulder height and squeezing out on the springs. You can do this slowly or explosively. Bring hands back to center and lower slowly. Repeat the sequence starting with the upright row. SRT Skull Crusher Lying on your back (knees bent and feet flat on floor) hold the SRT Barbell overhead. Slowly lower the SRT Barbell to your forehead while squeezing in on the springs, pause and then into extension squeezing out on the springs as your arms straighten and hold the squeeze at the top. Slowly lower and repeat. With hands on foam grips and an overhand grip, bring the SRT Barbell upwards (close to body) to chest height while squeezing in (slightly). Lower slowly, release the squeeze and then raise the SRT Barbell with straight arms to shoulder height and squeezing out on the springs. You can do this slowly or explosively. Bring hands back to center and lower slowly. Repeat the sequence starting with the upright row. SRT Bicep curl with shoulder raise (Arnold Press) Hold the SRT Barbell with an underhand grip and slowly curl the weight up with a strong chest squeeze at the top. Keeping the chest and biceps activated with time under tension, continue to raise the SRT Barbell up in front of you to just over head and with arm bent at 90 degrees. Pause, then lower slowly, and perform an outward squeeze. Repeat. MARCH-APRIL 2015 | WWW.FIT-PRO.COM | 27